![]() | 02/2015 |
- Krzysztof Majer: Calculation of noise emitted by transformers pg.1 [PDF]
- Małgorzata Szymańska-Świątek: Application of DGA analysis for evaluation of OLTC`s technical state pg.5
[PDF]- Jarosław Gielniak, Piotr Przybyłek, Hanna Mościcka-Grzesiak: The electric strength of nanomodified liquid dielectrics pg.10
[PDF]- Paweł Rózga: Development of electrical discharges in synthetic ester under lightning impulse voltage pg.14
[PDF]- Jarosław Gielniak: Moisture distribution in RBP bushing core. pg.18
[PDF]- Agnieszka Kamińska, Włodzimierz Bielecki: Statistical models for the estimation of execution time of coarsegrained OpenMP programs pg.22
[PDF]- Jolanta Koszelew, Piotr Wołejsza: Anticollision manoeuvre optimization in the NAVDEC system pg.27
[PDF]- Stanisław Niepostyn: The Sufficient Criteria For Consistent Modelling Of The Use Case Realization Diagrams With A New Functional-Structure- Behaviour UML Diagram pg.31
[PDF]- Aleksandr Cariow, Galina Cariowa: An unified approach for developing rationalized algorithms for hypercomplex number multiplication pg.36
[PDF]- Remigiusz Końca: Fast computation of the SLTF transform pg.40
[PDF]- Robert Krupiński, Przemysław Mazurek, Konrad Derda: Small-Size Skin Features for Motion Tracking pg.44
[PDF]- Dmitry Kaplun, Dmitry Klionskiy, Alexander Voznesenskiy, Vyacheslav Gulvanskiy: Digital filter bank implementation in hydroacoustic monitoring tasks pg.47
[PDF]- Adam Nowosielski: Mechanisms for increasing the efficiency of holistic face recognition systems pg.51
[PDF]- Dorota Oszutowska-Mazurek, Przemysław Mazurek, Konrad Derda, Kinga Sycz, Grażyna Waker-Wójciuk: Sensitivity of Nuclear-Cytoplasmic Index and Nuclear- Cytoplasmic Relation in Computer Aided Cytoscreening Diagnosis pg.56
[PDF]- Leonard Rozenberg, Robert Rychcicki: Hybridization of the optimization process as an alternative way to find approximate solutions for NP-hard problems pg.59
[PDF]- Krzysztof Cabaj, Piotr Gawkowski: HoneyPot systems in practice pg.63
[PDF]- Krzysztof Okarma, Piotr Lech, Andrzej Polakowski, Sylwia Gajda: Monte Carlo based reduction of image resolution in view of no-reference image quality assessment pg.68
[PDF]- Piotr Lech, Krzysztof Okarma, Dominik Wojnar: Binarization of document images using the modified local-global Otsu and Kapur algorithms pg.71
[PDF]- Paweł Górecki: Performance comparison of ICA algorithms for audio blind source separation pg.75
[PDF]- Edward Półrolniczak, Michał Kramarczyk: Computer analysis of the noise component in the singing voice for assessing the quality of singing pg.79
[PDF]- Agnieszka Konys: A Framework to COTS Component Selection and Evaluation Processes pg.84
[PDF]- Dariusz Frejlichowski, Katarzyna Gościewska: A Study on Various Shape Descriptors and Matching Methods Applied in the General Shape Analysis pg.89
[PDF]- Tomasz Hyla, Imed El Fray, Witold Maćków, Jerzy Pejaś: Implementation of Pairing-Based Cryptographic Trust Infrastructure in Mobile Environment pg.93
[PDF]- Izabela Rejer, Krzysztof Lorenz: Classic genetic algorithm vs. genetic algorithm with aggressive mutation for feature selection for a brain-computer interface pg.98
[PDF]- Dariusz Frejlichowski: Application of Selected Geometrical 3D Object Description Algorithms to the Problem of Model Retrieval pg.103
[PDF]- Marcin Pietras: Sentence sentiment classification using fuzzy word matching combined with fuzzy sentiment classifier pg.107
[PDF]- Łukasz Mazurowski: Algorithmic composition transformational-generative system for background music generation pg.112
[PDF]- Sławomir Torbus, Patryk Dutkiewicz: Designing of telecommunication single mode optical fibers for the sensors using magneto-optical Faraday effect pg. 118
[PDF]- Janusz Bobulski, Henryk Piech: Road signs recognition with two-dimensional hidden Markov models pg. 123
[PDF]- Aleksander Dziadecki, Janusz Grzegorski, Józef Skotniczny: Sensorless control system of SRM drive pg.127
[PDF]- Marek Palkowski: Parallel Code Generation for Mobile Devices pg. 133
[PDF]- Piotr Marchel, Józef Paska: Electronic model of non-repairable item’s reliability pg. 137
[PDF]- Maciej Kutyło, Marcin Pluciński, Magdalena Laskowska: Application of the reinforcement learning for selecting fuzzy rules representing the behavior policy of units in RTS-type games pg. 142
[PDF]- Maciej Ciężkowski, Arkadiusz Mystkowski: Design of two-wheeled self-balancing vehicle pg.147
[PDF]- Maciej Sławiński: Another Approach to the Fractional Order Derivatives. pg.153
[PDF]- Paweł Drąg, Krystyn Styczeń: Application of the "stretching" function for solving electrical circuits with differential-algebraic relations pg.157
[PDF]- Antoni Cieśla, Wojciech Kraszewski, Mikołaj Skowron, Przemysław Syrek: Analysis of the distribution of the magnetic field generated by the physiotherapy device pg.162
[PDF]- Piotr Grochal: Power in electrically commutated circuits - spectral dispersion of energy pg. 166
[PDF]- Borys Bakun: The problem of specific energy consumption of an electric vehicle on the example of a car after the drive conversion pg.174
[PDF]- M.E. Haque, M.F.M. Zain, M.A. Hannan, M. Jamil, MD Asikuzzaman: Real Time Prototype to Measure Structural Acceleration and Tilt of High-Rise Building pg. 177
[PDF]- Roman Partyka, Daniel Kowalak: The analysis of gas flow through pressure relief ducts during fault arc inside MV switchgears pg. 183
[PDF]- Karol Wróbel, Piotr Serkies: Methods of reducing the computational complexity of predictive controller drives with induction motors pg. 187
[PDF]- Jerzy Marzecki, Mariusz Drab: Loads and power flows in the middle voltage rural distribution network – selected issues pg. 192
[PDF]- Andrzej Zając, Łukasz Gryko, Marian Gilewski: Temperature stabilization of the set of laser diodes working independently pg.
[PDF]- Dariusz Czyżewski: LED substitutes of conventional incandescent lamps(2) pg. 199
[PDF]- Ewa Raj, Roman Gozdur, Zbigniew Lisik, Mateusz Sołyga: Measurement setup for thermal parameter investigations of electronic materials pg. 205
[PDF]- Vladimir Firago, Waldemar Wójcik: High-temperature three-colour thermal imager pg. 208
[PDF]- Małgorzata Gizelska: Sensors and Measuring Systems in the Diagnostics of Mechatronic Rotating Systems pg. 215
[PDF]- Tomasz Grzebyk, Piotr Szyszka, Anna Górecka-Drzazga: Field-emission electron source for miniature MEMS-type devices pg.219
[PDF]- Tomasz Ławicki: The curvelet transform denoising of CT images pg. 222
[PDF]- Marcin Lebioda, Jacek Rymaszewski: Dynamic properties of cryogenic temperature sensors pg.225
[PDF]- Daniel Paczesny, Grzegorz Tarapata, Michał Marzęcki: Heated tube with a temperature sensor fabricated in inkjet printing technology pg.228
[PDF]- Krzysztof Suchocki: Metrological properties of voltammetric electrodes in the frequency domain pg.232
[PDF]- Sylwia Walczak, Jacek Gołębiowski, Szymon Milcarz: Design of flexible textronic temperature sensors pg.236
[PDF]- Ihor Shchur, Andrzej Rusek, Andrii Kovalchuk: Development and simulation of special rotary transformer – contactless power transmitter and control device for a counter-rotating wind turbine pg.239
- Małgorzata Szymańska-Świątek: Application of DGA analysis for evaluation of OLTC`s technical state pg.5